Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Technic is the Key for Stock Market!

The stock market, a wish of crores of people to earn. nobody knows how the market moves. it depends on the trading skills to earn, here the market once it goes uptrend and again goes downtrend this movements is common, so in this trend, investors have a lot of hopes to earn they buy to sell in the tops or sell and buy at the bottom. in this way it works! an investor can be profited on one day and can lose on other day.
the month January is very dangerous because a money earned from two(2) years have chance to loose in this month. it happened to so many people. some people lost their earned money and other people lost their total money!

The stock Market is divided into two types of thinking and feeling psychology. first one is fear and second one is unhappy. causally people do like this, if a share does not have a value of 50 rupees but we buy it for 200 because it grows to 400 in a less time by listening someones prediction. in the same way if that share had fell to 50 then too people wont buy, because they may fear that share may still fall down than 50. and this two methods are wrong

Enjoy..... i'll b back again in Moment!

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